Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Human foot update

The foot is doing well, unless the occasional 2nd grader steps on it. I have not, nor did I develop a bruise, however it has started to itch like crazy! I wonder if it is like a scar that is healing, it itches all the time. At least I am not 30 something and wearing a bright pink cast while trying to teach school! Thank you Lord for small blessings.


It is common knowledge that I very much, utterly and most decidedly do not like spiders . . . this past weekend, I found a lovely spider had spun a huge web among my volunteer sunflowers. The web was huge and I had to admit, that in their natural habitat (ie not my bathtub) the spider and web were an amazing engineering accomplishment.

The closeup sunflower picture is spider free.

At my dad's house I came across several different and interesting looking mushrooms. (click on the images to make them larger)

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

TV vs. human foot

Just in case anyone wanted to know, it is possible to drop a 7 year old, 27 inch tv on ones foot and not brake ANY bones in said foot. It is however, not recommended because it is quite painful and it will result in the dr. laughing at you. Apparently bruised bones are serious but the chosen method of bruising said foot bones was funny to said dr. Ouch.

October Already

So, school has started and I can not believe it is already October. I have 9 of the same children from last year in my class this year and three new ones, 12 students in all! Compared to last years excitement and issues, this year has been very calm.

My dad came to school about two weeks ago to help me plant crocus, tulip and daffodil bulbs and to ready a "hole" for the children to plant there own bulbs. These pictures are backwards, so the after (end of planting) picture is first, not bad for a VERY rocky patch of dirt.