Wednesday, January 16, 2008


There are days when I remember why I fought so hard against becoming a teacher. I will explain; I always knew I was supposed to teach, I knew this is what God wanted for me, however, I avoided it like a plague. I didn't want to deal with admin and bureaucracy. Well, in 2004 I finally had had enough and gave into what I knew I was meant to do - I went back to school for a year and was awarded my Residency Teaching Certificate.

Fast forward to now, I have been teaching for 2 years and loving it. I now have to go back to school and work for 18 months (longer than it took to get my original teaching cert.) to earn my Professional Teaching Certificate.

Why do I complain? Well I have four assignments due for Saturday. That is not so bad, however it is all reflection and no application. It is all theory with no practice. I am spending time away from my students, time away from planning in order to reflect on "models of learning" and "positive impact". Don't get me wrong, I LOVE teaching. I love attending workshops and enrichment classes. I work in an amazing private school and I have/had the best advisers and mentors, but I don't see how all this reflecting will prove that I am a good teacher and should be allowed to teach for 5 more years. And on top of this I have decided to get my Masters. Am I crazy, I will let you know . . .